Six Things to Consider When Planning an Interstate Move

Moving to a new home is always a significant undertaking, but when you’re heading to a new state, there are lots of other things to think about. These longer moves are more complicated, so the potential is there for your relocation to turn into a big mess.

Fortunately, you are taking the first step toward preventing those problems right now! The more you plan your move and organize the process, the fewer problems you will encounter when you actually start your move.

1. Different Weather

An east-to-west move may not drastically change your climate, but a change in latitude most certainly will. Moving from north to south or vice versa can be a real eye-opener. You can quickly find yourself driving from sunny through rainy into snowy in just a few hours. Be sure that you are aware of your destination’s forecast at moving time, and be prepared to drive in conditions that may not be easy when you’re behind the wheel of a rental truck. And of course, be prepared for different weather year-round.

2. Communications

We’ve all gotten so accustomed to nationwide roaming and free long distance that we assume our cell phones will work anywhere we go. While coverage is definitely better than it was a few years ago, there are still regions of the country where national carriers don’t have a very good signal. As you visit your new area, drive to different areas and check your service. If it’s patchy, find a local company to start service with.

3. Medical Care

Transferring your medical needs to another state may be complicated. Most doctors can simply send your records electronically, but other problems can emerge. For example, your refills may be at a local pharmacy that doesn’t have a branch in your new town. Have them provide you with the prescription so that you can get a refill without having to first find a new doctor.

4. Time Zones

Of course, you don’t have to leave a state to enter a new time zone, but a cross-country move could mean an adjustment of up to three hours. Deadlines of all kinds could need to be reviewed, including bill payments and assignment deadlines for online classes. Make sure that every time you think about what time you’re doing something that you allow for the new time zone.

5. A New Environment

Apart from the new weather, you’ll also see new wildlife. That includes pests, which could mean that you’re suddenly dealing with scorpions, oversized mosquitoes, or unfamiliar species of ticks. Learn about the new critters in your area so that you can prevent the problems they cause. Talk to some locals right away to get their tips.

6. Cultural Changes

Moving to New Orleans? Check the date of Mardi Gras each year. Is your new city home to a pro sports team? Review their home schedule. You will see lots of new things in your new home, and many of them can cause problems with traffic, shopping, or social interaction. Get acclimated to what the local folks do.

There is plenty of work involved in any move, but there are some extra steps involved in moving to a new state. With good organization and some planning, you can make the transition seamless.

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